Wednesday 28 January 2015


This is a universal quote and I like it because it can relate to anyone. Muslim, Christian or non-believers. I believe that every night when you go to sleep, the Angel of Death asks Allah (God) whether your time is up and every morning when you wake up God has told the Angel of Death it is not your time yet. Hence why we like to say Al Hamdulileh and strive to make the days count. 
Each day is a blessing, another chance for you to ask for mercy, another day to see the sunrise and set, another day to see your loved ones and another opportunity to learn, give charity, become closer to God, pray and any other good deed you can think of. 

We all go through hard times in life, we all have secrets, we all have family troubles, we are so unique yet identical at the same time. Life is a journey, it is yours, it was given to you. How amazing is that miracle. 

A story about me, I almost died when I was being born. Al Hamdulilah. I don't know the exact story, however my mum told me that her 3rd pregnancy was a miscarriage and she was told by doctors that she cannot conceive again for medical reasons. My mum felt fine about this, she already had two children and was grateful enough. However a year later, she fell pregnant, the doctors were shocked and could not understand how it was possible. That baby was me. They were not sure if I would survive, however everything went fine until labour. They had to do an emergency cesarean on my mum to save my life. Al Hamdulilah we both survived. 

For the babies who don't survive, Why does God take away babies and children? I pondered about this question a lot, it never made me believe in Him any less and I always understood that everything happens for a reason. Although, saying that I have never had to experience my baby dying. El Hamdullilah. So after thinking, I have come to think that God doesn't take babies away. He takes them to Janah (Heaven) because every child who dies goes to Heaven. Therefore he has saved the child for something better, only God Knows for He only chooses the best. He knows that it was the best thing and we only find out later. There is no direct answer but this is just what I think. Some parts of life and some of our questions are simply only God Knows. He is the creator of everything and that is the miracle. 

What do you do to make your life count?

Everything in Moderation

If you enjoy a Starbucks coffee (I really do) with a few hundred calories then have one, but make sure to drink green tea/lemon water for the rest of the week. e
If you enjoy wearing heels then wear them however walk bare foot the next day to give relief.
 If you enjoy shopping and spending money then treat yourself but give charity afterwards. If you don't exercise and going to the gym is your worst nightmare then go walking with a friend, it is a good chance to catch up and you don't even know you are exercising. 
If you like to read magazines, no problem just remember to read about important things aswell (Quran, politics, your studies.) 
If you like to work many hours a day to provide for yourself or your family, that is great but don't forget to live. Your time means everything, spend as much time as you can with family. Anything that you like to do, do it in moderation. That is the key to not wasting time, to live a healthy and happy life and to keep yourself appreciating life and "the good things." 

A great motto in life is everything has a limit, do not overcompensate in life. That is why Muslim people love the month of Ramadan; a new chance to start over, to appreciate every drop of water and every bite of food! It is truly the most gratifying feeling. 
Before I became Muslim I never understood fasting and didn't think it would even be possible to fast for so long during the hot Summer months! I did have huge admiration for those who did fast as their religion meant to much to them.
Last year I fasted for the first time for around 5 days. I know it wasn't the whole month so I haven't felt what it feels like completely, however those 5 days I learned so much! It wasn't as hard as I had thought, I was doing it with my Egyptian family, kids and adults, which created a team spirit and was very encouraging to carry on! 
I have never before felt real hunger or real thirst and so when it was time to eat/drink I was so happy and remembered all the millions of poor people in the world who have to walk miles per day for water and how lucky we actually are!
I am looking forward to next Ramadan to hopefully fast properly Insha'Allah.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Wishlist #1

Shopping and where I live don't really belong in the same sentence. Certain things you can buy easy and at a good price however the majority of the things that I love to shop for are simply not here or far too expensive and not worth it! 

Here is a list of things which I really wish to buy and have to wait until Im back home in the UK.


 *H&M Home

 *H&M Home



My mind has been over-thinking so much recently, I sort of think about every part of my life in detail and dream about how things should be.

I really want a lot of things in my life, however I trust that God is looking over me and He knows when the best time is for me to receive my worth. In the meantime, count your blessings, never compare yourself to other's because you never know thier story. Look around you, look how far you have come, give yourself some gratitude and don't be sad. Everything you want will come in time, at the exact moment it is supossed to and if not it was never meant for you anyway. Tawakkaltu Ala-Allah (I put my trust in Allah)

There is always a crack of light in the darkness. Find it.

If you want to be successful in the things you do. If you want to travel, open a business or get married then beware of telling the creation. The prophet said "Be discreet in order to achieve what you want, for everyone who is blessed is envied."

If you wake up this morning with more health than illness you are more blessed than the million people who won't survive this week.

Hope everyone is having a great week! Keep smiling.

Monday 26 January 2015

Prejudices of Being a Muslim Woman

Their guidance is not your responsibility, but God guides whom He wills. Any charity you give is for your own good. Any charity you give shall be for the sake of God. Any charity you give will be repaid to you in full, and you will not be wronged.

This is from Quran and I feel privelaged, to say the least that I am being guided in my Adult life. Here are some points which I feel, some people are thinking about me, or other Muslim women around the world. Here goes...

- We all wear a Burka or atleast a Hijab
- We only like other Muslims 
- We are stuck up and think we are better than everyone else
- We are non-educated
- We all stay at home to tidy and we are not allowed to work
- We are not allowed to drive
- We are forced into an arranged marriages
- We don't have cars, we get around on camels
- Being Muslim somehow stops us from enjoying life the same
- We are potential suicide bombers
- We don't belive in Christianity and Jesus
- We are not allowed to listen to music

I'm sorry for the underlying tone of sarcasm in my points however sometimes this is how ridiculous I find people's opinions and prejudices of Muslim Women, especially from the Middle East. I can tell you that it is all wrong, probably everything you have ever seen on the news or read in the newspaper is biased at the least and mostly artifical. 
People should differenciate Muslim people from Islam the religion, Muslim means we are people who follow the guidance of Islam and everything in Quran (The Holy Book) is perfect, however that does not mean Muslim people are perfect. 
My friend once said her biggest achievement was becoming a Muslim and I can't wait to say my Shahada and become a Muslim Insha'Allah (God Willing). 
Let me know what prejudices you have faced? I realised living in the East and the West will have completely different opinions on this and thankfully I am British however living in the Middle East has opened my mind Al Hamdulilah (Thanks be to God).

Confidence | Being a faithful Muslim

"You are where you're supposed to be at this very moment. Every experience is part of God's divine plan." This is how you begin to be confident, you are walking on this earth, you are reading this blog, you are alive and your heart is beating because that is all part of Allah's plan and He is the best of planners.

"Climb the mountain so you can see the world, not so the world can see you." Like becoming Muslim or doing anything Good in the religion, it should be between you and Allah. Your journey in life is only yours for in the end it was never about them anyway, you will be judged for your life with no one to intervene for you. Be the best person you can be and never compare yourself to others for their journey is their own and Allah only made one of you for a reason.

"When we disobey Allah, we can pretend to be happy, but inside, we're very unhappy. This is fitrah. We all know this feeling." This feeling is the best feeling in the world. This is because you have not forgotten your existence and is the first step to repentance. Allah knows our intensions and is the most merciful. Don't be too hard on yourself and take it one step at a time as none of us are perfect but we might be able to learn a little thing from each person and that includes mistakes. One of the reasons why I love the people I do is because they make mistakes. We are human. May God forgive all of us.

"The two most important days of your life are.. The day you were born & the day you find out why." Probably we have all felt lost in life. We may have everything we ever wanted yet something is missing? We may have fell away from our religion, we may have no religion, we might feel pressure to be the right person, say the right thing, do the right deed. No matter what's going on in your life, as long as you never break your faith and belief in Allah you will find the answer.

"If you wait until you're ready, you'll be waiting the rest of your life." This applies to us all and is difficult to fathom. We need to stop putting things of because life is busy, we need to use our knowledge to our advantage and sacrifice a little of our time for the One who created us and for the people who love us most. For every feeling, good or bad, He is there to guide us. Embrace it.

Job Interview Techniques

When you walk into that interview, head held high and smiling, you should be confident, you should be proud, they invited you for the interview, you know you are good enough and beneficial for their company so always have in your mind that it is 50% their decision and 50% yours aswell.  For sure you have only applied because you know you can do it. (This is not advised if you have applied for NASA without any background in space or science) HAHA 

Even if you lack experience, do not let it hold you back. Most skills can be translated into other fields. When I went for an interview for one of the best hotel's in the world, without the experience to do the job I was applying for I didn't expect to be offered the job, I was thinking "what have I got to lose?" And so, all the skills that I needed for the job, I had however in different forms and the rest I was taught during my training. 
This was the biggest confidence boost I have had and we will all get a similar feeling or proud moment in life. We should remember that moment and your self admiration then use it for any job that you desire. 

As far as preparation for the interview goes, I would advise it. How much you advise depends on you. I like to know a few facts about the hotel/company I am applying for. I like to know the person's name who invited me for the interview and I like to read their customer feedback to show my interest and how I plan to help their brand. 
However, I never have robotic answers ready as they hardly ever ask you what you think they will ask you!  

Lastly, the most important thing is to smile, relax as it helps your body language appear cool and collected, smile more and be yourself. 
AND if you DON'T get the job. Say Al Hamdulilah (Thanks Be to God) because I promise you, if something is not meant for you it's because Allah (God) has something better in mind. Nothing is ever taken away from you unless that was the BEST option. He is looking after each one of us and He is the best of planners. 

Let me know your interview tips?