Thursday, 22 January 2015

50 facts about me

1. I have a Russian name.
2. I moved to Egypt at age 20.
3. I can speak Egyptian Arabic quite well.
4. I loveeee to sleep.
5. My mum nearly died of Thyroid Disease when I was a child. 
6. I met my first & only love when I was 20.
7. We got engaged when I was 22. 
8. Insha'Allah we will be married this year.
9. I don't like fizzy juice. It chokes me.
10. I love cats. 
11. I love candles.
12. I have a very small amount of friends.
13. I see my family once or twice a year if I'm lucky.
14. I love kids.
15. I like to listen to an Egytian singer called "Sherine" even though I don't have a clue what she's saying lol.
16. I drink Green Tea constantly.
17. When I was a kid (around 8) I pushed my brother into a pond lol.
18. I always ask questions and question everything.
19. My dream is to travel the world. 
20. I was born Christian and changed to Muslim.
21. I have never smoked in my life - and would never. The thought makes me repulse.
22. I love wearing make-up.
23. I read Qura'n.
24. I am vegetarian (But i eat fish).
25. I have never ever ate a hamburger from McDonald's.
26. I love oreo milkshakes.
27. I love shopping.
28. I believe in giving charity (I wanna do it more often).
29. My partner puts the biggest smile on my face.
30. I have 2 older brothers who I am nothing like but love lots.
31. I have a gorgeous neice who I love to bits.
32. I have another neice whom I have never met... 
33. I work in the hospitality industry.
34. I like helping others, whether at work or in personal life.
35. I have a swimming pool outside my apartment. (People might assume that means you are rich, I am definetly not rich).
36. I am obsessed with eyebrows, mines are naturally thick.
37. I used to eat bread and tomato sauce as a child lol. 
38. I love receiving flowers.
39. I believe in equality and human rights.
40. I love fairy lights.
41. I love taking pictures.
42. I love flying, it's so exciting.
43. I was inspired to write this by 
44. I am Gemini. (Half sane/half insane) Lol
45. I like to talk. A lot!!!!!! If there is no-one to talk to, then I write.
46. I like starbucks coffee and have one near me. 
47. I trust God, in everything He plans for me and like to say Al Hamdulileh (Thanks be to God) for everything. 
48. I don't like dogs, they scare me and always wanna chase ME for some reason. 
49. I love curly hair. 
50. I pay my own bills and like to be independant. 

*Both pictures are my own 

Thank you for reading my first post and hope it's interesting. 

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